The great black-backed gull is on the UK Red List and is considered a species of conservation concern. It is illegal to intentionally kill them. This particular seagull, affectionately named ...
The world’s largest gull and one formidable seabird, this impressive species lives and breeds along Northern Hemisphere shores on both sides of the Atlantic. The Great Black-backed Gull is the largest ...
Gulls are a little scary. They frighten me. I don’t mean literally, in a Hitchcockian sense. The nightmare comes in trying to ...
To remind the Service that all endangered species are created equal — and should be protected accordingly — in 2009 the Center filed a scientific petition to list the gull-billed tern as endangered ...
Ignored for years, passed off as a local race of Western Gull, the Yellow-footed Gull is actually a very distinct species. It nests only in the Gulf of California, that long narrow arm of sea between ...
The Mediterranean Gull is slightly larger than a Black-headed Gull ... Its present UK breeding population makes it an Amber List species. It is a Schedule 1 listed bird of The Wildlife and Countryside ...
This was the species that came to the rescue of the Mormon settlers whose crops were threatened by a grasshopper plague in 1848, inspiring the seagull monument in Salt Lake City.