A baboon at ZooTampa has been given a clean bill of health after receiving oral surgery last summer from doctors who normally ...
The package includes stiffer penalties for landlords who defy orders and institutional investors with large portfolios.
How close are we to seeing the tooth regeneration breakthrough in everyday dental care? What if your body could just grow a ...
Good Morning Britain presenter Kate Garraway reached out to support a guest, who broke down in tears live on air ...
Good Morning Britain presenters Kate Garraway and Adil Ray were left comforting an emotional guest during an interview on Friday's show.
Friendship with a truly strange creature, plus Shark Girl’s conservation and a dinosaur’s pursuit of poetry: columnist ...
The left hip and leg bones from a young female Paranthropus robustus discovered in South Africa show she was extremely short ...
Don't be fooled by content on social media. These subtle red flags will tell you if what you're seeing is fake.
More recent case law has reinforced this principle, holding that when therapeutic and non-therapeutic effects are inseparably ...
Globally, every age group has some peculiar oral health challenges; studies have shown that nearly all adults and 60-70 per cent of school children have dental cavities.
When people ask me where I grew up, I tell them I haven’t — at least not yet. But then I tell them I was born here, have spent all but 10 years of my life here, and if I have any say in the matter, ...
Camas could become the first community in Southwest Washington to reverse its water fluoridation efforts.