Missing You, a five-part series adapted from Harlan Coben's novel, premiered on January 1, 2025. Produced by Quay Street Productions under ITV Studios, it follows Netflix's success with Coben’s ...
but with just five episodes to tell this story, there’s not enough room to develop the supporting characters, or to include the usual oddball humour that make these British Harlan Coben ...
Per Netflix's synopsis, "Run Away" sounds like this will be the exact kind of twisty thriller fans have come to expect. Simon ...
On 21st January, Netflix announced a new Harlan Coben series was officially in the works. They shared the update on their ...
In Netflix's new Harlan Coben drama, "Missing You" Rosalind Eleazar portays a police detective who reconnects with her ...
Harlan Coben is the master of twisty-turny page-turners ... the writer said she was aware that many fans would be tempted to binge-watch the five episodes, which released simultaneously on Netflix ...
Harlan Coben's Netflix shows always have us glued to the sofa, and thanks to his five-year deal with the streaming service, it doesn't look like that's going to change any time soon. Whether you ...