"I hope that I can encourage you, and my heart goes out to you," Calvin Robinson said before mimicking Elon Musk's arm gesture and smiling at the crowd.
The Wannsee Conference was held on January 20, 1942, near Berlin, Germany. Fifteen high-level German officials from various ...
Wer mich kennt, meine durch das Thema Syphilis inspirierte Leidenschaft für die Geschichte der Päpste beispielsweise, wird ...
As we observe Holocaust Remembrance this week, I wanted to take the opportunity to write about why Holocaust education for young people is so important. A 2023 study by the ADL’s (Anti ...
Far-right votes used to pass motion on migration Far-right AfD is under surveillance by intelligence agency Holocaust survivor protests by returning state award Another Holocaust survivor recalls ...
Bauhaus architects like Walter Gropius and Mies van der Rohe fled Nazi Germany, but not all of them went to the US.
Mal gejährt hat, ist Corrie Hermann am Mittwoch ins Brüsseler EU-Parlament eingeladen. Die Niederländerin will anlässlich des Holocaust-Gedenktags vor den Volksvertretern über den ...
„Es ist unglaublich“, sagt Corrie Hermann über die Wiederentdeckung des Stücks. Der 27. Januar ruft die Verbrechen des Holocaust jedes Jahr ins Gedächtnis. In Osnabrück verbinden Kirchen ...
The figure reflected a recognition that, even as the number of Holocaust survivors dwindles with each passing year, the needs of the remaining survivors are increasing as they age. (JTA ...
President Higgins controversially addressing the Holocaust Memorial Day event in Dublin Keeping up with the Cohens: Would you spend £250,000 on a simchah?
Gleich zwei führende Nationalsozialisten kamen am 12. Januar 1893 zur Welt: Hermann Göring und Alfred Rosenberg. Beide machten eine typische Karriere in der Polykratie des Dritten Reiches - bis ...