Safety experts are warning Australians and international visitors to be careful near waterways and pools this long-weekend, with new research showing ...
These are the biggest universities in the world by the number of students. The University of Toronto takes the crown with ...
Four million Australian households and businesses have rooftop solar installed, making us the world leader in the technology.
Scientists at UNSW Sydney have achieved a major milestone in quantum technology by creating a real-life version of the famous ...
Several solicitors and barristers who sit part-time on the International Protection Appeals Tribunal stopped doing that work this month, over low pay.
Almost two-thirds of public hospital psychiatrists are poised to resign over a pay dispute with the state system.
Engineers at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) achieved a milestone in quantum computing by demonstrating ...
In a recent study, University of New South Wales (UNSW) researchers have applied ideas from the famous Schrödinger's cat ...
People may no longer need sunshine to harvest solar power. Researchers from University of New South Wales (UNSW) have found a ...
Imagine a future where your phone, computer or even a tiny wearable device can think and learn like the human brain - ...
Researchers have used dung records to create high-resolution maps of herbivore distribution around the world. Their study, ...
In a groundbreaking experiment, UNSW researchers successfully applied the Schrödinger’s cat concept using an antimony atom to ...