In June 1945, shortly after the end of the Second World War, 51 countries signed the charter establishing the United Nations (UN), which came to existence in October 1945, after half of those ...
Israel is examining a plan to use siege tactics against Hamas in northern Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was quoted ...
When Taiwanese visit Guam and North Mariana Islands for vacations, they are warmly welcomed and enjoy the convenience that ...
Swiss Parliament’s lower house adopts motion to “immediately suspend” support UN agency for “Palestinian refugees”.
Research published ahead of a UN General Assembly calls for increased funding to help nations such as Zimbabwe eliminate AIDS ...
A view of a plenary meeting of the Standing Committee of the North Korean parliament, the Supreme People's Assembly (SPA), in ...
Exit polls in Brandenburg, where a battle between the Social Democrats and the far-right Alternative for Germany was expected ...
Earlier, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski at a meeting in Kiev proposed transferring Crimea under the UN mandate and ...
The date of September 19 is celebrated not only as Azerbaijan's victory over Armenian separatism, but also as a victory ...
Latin America’s kinship with Israel is based on shared values and shared national narratives of independence and opposition ...