A beloved goat owned by a suburban Austin, Texas, high school student died suddenly in October, and now the owner’s classmate stands accused of using a pesticide to intentionally kill ...
The lighted drones that fell from the sky during a holiday show in Downtown Orlando and injured a 7-year-old boy were supposed to fly above Lake Eola at a safe distance away from crowds, documents ...
One drone struck a 7-year-old boy, sending the child to the hospital. Alezander was hurt after being hit by a falling drone, his parents, Adriana Edgerton and Jessica Lumsden, told FOX 35 News. He ...
The 7-year-old hit by a drone at Lake Eola’s Holiday Drone show on Dec. 21 was released from the hospital, his mother told ...
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. canceled the drone show planned for the opening night of World of Winter after one run by the same ...
Sky Elements, the company behind the downtown Orlando show, is still under investigation by the Federal Aviation Administration.
A horrifying mishap at Orlando’s holiday drone show that severely injured a boy is grounding New Year’s Eve displays from ...
Orlando is the most visited city in the country, and staying there can be more affordable and enjoyable with an Airbnb.
Universal Orlando Pauses Drone Component of Show While Orlando World Marriott Cancels Drones From Show Completely ...
At least five drone shows have been canceled, or have paused the use of the systems, after several drones struck a crowd at a ...