A source from the rapper's hometown of Detroit claims to have witnessed Eminem's transformation firsthand through some of his recent actions, according to AllHipHop.com. He stated that Eminem has been ...
The Australian Bureau of Statistics recently revealed its first set of findings for 2011, which showed that Christianity remains the dominant religion among Australia's 21,507,717 population, and was ...
Grammy Award winning singer-songwriter, Elton John, has said that if Jesus were alive today, he would allow same-sex couples including clergy to get married. "We live in a different time," the openly ...
While much media attention has been focussed on Islamic State and the plight of persecuted minorities in the Middle East, 11,500 Christians in northern Nigeria were killed in five years between ...
Each weekday, he fires up the studio with co-host Richelle Wenham, bringing quirky humour, interesting guests, practical wisdom and insight from Scripture. Rise and Shine's bright and bubbly format is ...
The Brave Foundation which supports women who face unexpected and teenage pregnancy has been officially launched in Australia today. The charity is primarily concerned with assisting teens in coping ...
A 14-year-old girl in western Uganda is still unable to walk 10 months after her father tortured her for leaving Islam and putting her faith in Christ, according to area Christians. Susan Ithungu of ...
Let's look at a factious example from 500 years ago and link it in with trends today. Meet Barry from the 1500's. Barry is a potato farmer living around 100 km from London. Barry's farm has been in ...