20 September, 2024 In early September, IndustriALL organized workshops in Kolkata, India with union leaders from the base metal and mining sectors in the country, detailing workers challenges in these ...
20 September, 2024A conference held in Lilongwe from 9-12 September on the just energy transition and skills development in the renewable energy sector highlighted both the unique challenges and ...
19 September, 2024Participants from unions representing textile and garment workers in Africa and MENA joined experts from the ILO, OECD, International Accord, as well as online brand ASOS for a ...
19 septembre, 2024Des syndicalistes représentant les travailleurs et travailleuses du textile et de la confection en Afrique et dans la région MENA (* NDT) ont rejoint des experts de l’OIT, de l’OCDE, ...
18 September, 2024International Equal Pay Day, celebrated on 18 September, represents the longstanding efforts towards the achievement of equal pay for work of equal value. The gender pay gap persists ...
18 septiembre, 2024El Día Internacional de la Igualdad Salarial, que se celebra el 18 de septiembre, representa los esfuerzos de larga data dedicados a lograr la igualdad de remuneración por un ...
17 September, 2024Young unionists from South East Asia met in Manila,14 September, and called on trade unions to recognize youth as catalyst for change and provide a 20 percent youth quota in routine ...
16 September, 2024A young worker at ArcelorMittal’s João Monlevade site in Brazil suffered an electric shock that left him unconscious and caused him to lose an arm. The accident on 9 September is not ...
16 September, 2024On 12 September, 33,000 workers at Boeing. Co, American aerospace giant, downed tools, demanding better wages, pensions, and healthcare. The workers, represented by the International ...
16 septembre, 2024Un jeune travailleur du site ArcelorMittal de João Monlevade, au Brésil, a subi un choc électrique qui lui a fait perdre connaissance et entraîne la perte d'un bras. Cet accident ...
13 septiembre, 2024Un trabajador joven de ArcelorMittal en João Monlevade, Brasil sufrió una descarga eléctrica que lo dejó inconsciente y le causó la pérdida de un brazo. IndustriALL considera que ...
13 September, 2024On 7 September, a deadly explosion claimed the lives of four workers and seriously injured more than ten others at a ship recycling yard in Bangladesh compliant with the Hong Kong ...