José de la Luz y Caballero described him as the first to teach others how to think. A Cuban priest, writer, teacher, politician, and philosopher, Félix Varela embodied both intellectual brilliance and ...
Postal address: Building N, Calle N, between 23 and 21, Vedado, Havana, Cuba. Postal Code: 10400.
Students from Hunter College, the largest urban university in the United States, who are training to become dance teachers, will take part in an exchange with professors and students from Lizt Alfonso ...
The call for submissions for the prestigious 2025 Ítalo Calvino Prize, aimed at promoting Cuban writers, was officially announced alongside the presentation of La tumba del erizo, the award-winning ...
On this day, in 1832, Juan Clemente Zenea y Fornaris was born in the city of Bayamo. He was the son of a Spanish lieutenant and the sister of the poet José Fornaris. Zenea became a poet deeply rooted ...
It is neither rare nor anecdotal. Art, as a vehicle for expressing the deepest corners of the human spirit, has stirred emotions, shaped expressions, and influenced ways of doing things for ...
La Habana is preparing to welcome the world’s leading experts and Habanos aficionados for the 25th edition of the Festival del Habano, which will take place from February 24 to 28, 2025. First held in ...
Benny Moré, also known as Bartolomé Maximiliano Moré, was a genius whose remarkable talent set him apart, free from the exaggerated embellishments often associated with greatness. His gift for ...
El unipersonal Me llamaban Tula ganó el Premio de la Popularidad en el certamen que concluyó la noche de este domingo en la ...
Armando Alba Noguera, subdirector de Producción de la entidad, del Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos, ...
Desde el pasado 22 de febrero y hasta la noche de hoy, 2 de marzo, ha tenido lugar en Holguín el 11º festival del humor ...
A 65 años de la explosión del vapor francés La Coubre, en la bahía de La Habana, a causa de un sabotaje, este primero de ...