Ex-Skyrim, Fallout and Starfield dev Nate Purkeypile claims Bethesda no longer has the freedom that made its games great.
Bethesda’s stunning three-volume, hardcover Skyrim Library book set is now on sale on Amazon for the 2025 Spring Sale.
A Skyrim fan finds a Golden Claw replica at a thrift store for $3 and seeks advice on how to display it. Skyrim collectibles ...
Consumers will have to access the sale through the JioGames app to purchase these games and then they can activate their ...
These departures from humdrum reality exist to make the game more fun, so fair enough, but some things really stretch credulity. For example: Serana, your vampiric companion in the game's Dawnguard ...
It sounds like the development of Skyrim was handled rather differently to how Bethesda approaches its RPGs now, as one ...
Soft Rains studio head Joel Burgess says "it would be unfun and foolish not to use our strengths to challenge our weaknesses" ...
Speaking at the 2025 Games Developer Conference, via GamesRadar, Fallout 76 lead artist Nate Purkeypile explained that they ...
Hit and Run. I loved it as a kid, and I love it now. In fact – no joke – when I was 12 I gave one of my early crushes my copy ...
Bethesda's Radiant A.I. system, introduced in Oblivion, has done a lot of good for their games, especially when it comes to ...
Video game soundtracks have evolved far beyond the simple 8-bit melodies of the past. Today, music is an essential part of ...
Tainted Grail The Fall of Avalon's new update is a monster, teeing it up for a 1.0 launch with heaps of new content and ...