The city is in the final stages of planning ahead of construction on a water main project in northeast Lincoln, as part of the larger goal of acquiring a second water source for Lincoln.
There’s been a ferry across the Mississippi River in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, for more than 200 years, but that may not be true for much longer.
Runoff into the Missouri River above Sioux City is forecast to remain below average for the year after a below average February.
As open water fishing on the Missouri River picks up during the spring bite, anglers should note that the drain plug must always remain out of the boat during transport, whether going to or away from the river. In addition, to keep waters clean of aquatic nuisance species, all water users should clean, drain and dry all equipment after every use.
Missouri typically starts to see the pelicans arrive in late March, with the peak of their spring migration in mid-April.
This is part one of a two-part story on the Missouri River stemming from a historical and ecological presentation given by Wayne Nelson-Stasny at Monday’s Sierra Club meeting.
Dredging of the silt buildup started last Monday, March 3. The city council has agreed to pay a company $60,000 to remove the sediment. That material has to be cleared by April 11th. In the meantime, a hearing to schedule a trial date for the city’s lawsuit against River City Hospitality has been set up for Tuesday, March 11.
The updated 2025 calendar year runoff forecast for the Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, Iowa, continues to be below average. February runoff in the Basin above Sioux City was one million acre-feet,
While recent moisture has slightly improved dry conditions, the runoff forecast for the Missouri River Basin remains well below average.
Here For Now. Devils Lake’s perch have been very mobile this winter, and their transient nature has made them tough to track under the ice, with fast-moving schools providing intermittent action for anglers.
Cooper's Landing long has been a key part of Missouri River culture. Remodeling plans, set to begin this fall, revolve around a new main building designed to "(house) an expanded general store ...
OMAHA — Dry conditions throughout the upper Missouri River basin continue to limit runoff into the river. Runoff into the Missouri River above Sioux City was 1 million acre-feet in January, 91% of average.