Eighty years after the liberation of the concentration camp, some politicians in a divided continent have been quick to target outsiders.
Farmington Hills’ Zekelman Holocaust Center (The HC) will present a two-day series of events marking the occasion, on Sunday and Monday.
An Iran-linked group has been condemned after it called on the King to “use his influence” to include the Gaza conflict in Monday’s Holocaust commemorations.
This firefight is taking place inside a high-tech simulation room at the IDF’s Elyakim combat training base, about 30 kilometers southwest of Haifa. While the battle is computer simulated, the instructions are very real. Israeli troops are trained here to avoid attacks on civilians who pose no threat.
Do not allow yourself another lesson to learn, Holocaust survivor warns - Susan Pollack, 94, asked why antisemitism has not yet been eradicated, ahead of the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation.
Belatedly, the survivors were rescued from obscurity and the human element of the tragedy came to the fore. Local and then international testimony projects emerged, the largest being the ongoing Visual History Archive which has interviewed close to 60,000 survivors, including of more recent genocides such as that in Rwanda.
It is only by listening to these individual voices that we can really begin to understand what the many millions of Holocaust victims went through.
Menachem Rosensaft, the son of survivors, challenges the comforting messages of Judaism’s best-known collection of verse.
Monday’s ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz is more than just the moment to remember some 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust.
A passion project, Paula Apsell’s “Resistance” is also a corrective to the long-held assumption that as Hitler’s Nazis swore to erase the entire Jewish race, “Jews went to their deaths like
The Holocaust caused expedited change in language due to previously unknown trauma, physicality and extremely close contact.
In the final years of her husband's life, BJ Carter finally learned details of her husband's life he'd never remembered.