The four-minute sketch, which aired during the show’s Dec. 21 episode, relentlessly skewered the Charles Schulz animated classic while making several adults-only jokes.
On the front lawn of the Methodist Church, located at 79 Main Street, is a lighted Christmas tree. Since 2006, we have had an annual Memorial/Honor Tree. Donors purchase a bulb in memory and/or in ...
29.The person who will be finding stray pees in their kitchen for the rest of their life: 42.The person who better not take ...
8 things you didn’t know about Charles Schulz and ‘Peanuts’ "Peanuts" creator Charles Schulz knew the real-life Charlie Brown, and other things that might surprise you about the popular ...
It’s hard to imagine a holiday season without “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” The 1965 broadcast has become a staple – etched into traditions across generations like decorating the tree or ...
From firs and pines to spruce trees, all of the unsold evergreens get chopped up and ground up, then fed to plants and livestock on farms, according to USA Today. They also become wood chips that are ...
The rate did not increase for 2025, remaining at 16 cents per square foot. Chief Daron Long said the fees are regulated by ...
Jewel Brites were popular ornaments of the 1950s and 1960s. They were lightweight and perfect for the novel aluminum Christmas trees. They were popular with families of young children and advertised ...
We all have those favorite wholesome movies we go to when we're feeling down. Sometimes there's nothing better than a ...
Trash accumulates faster during the holidays. According to, Americans throw out 25% more trash during the holiday season, amounting to 25 million extra tons of material destined for ...
In the garden of life, a radiant Rose bloomed on May 8, 1954, in Petoskey, Michigan. True to her name, our beloved mother, ...