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Former Transportation Secretary Pete Buttieg slammed the Commander and Chief’s unproven comments, which were self-attributed to “common sense.” ...
President Donald Trump addresses the nation following a fatal collision between an American Airlines flight and an Army ...
Americans turn to their leaders for solace in times of mourning. Donald Trump has used national tragedies to make political points or demean critics.
Give Trump some credit. He has no interest in faking empathy, as Biden did so ineptly. In Trump’s playbook, empathy is a ...
“Listen, it’s one thing for internet pundits to spew off conspiracy theories,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Thursday. “It’s another for the president of the United States to throw out ...
Dozens of people — including more than a dozen figure skaters — were killed after a collision between an American Airlines passenger jet and an Army helicopter at Ronald Reagan National Airport near ...
A federal judge late Tuesday afternoon delayed the Trump administration's pause on federal funding for loans and grants after ...