Reading The Bible: Jesus Christ Written in Words reignited my passion for scripture. It highlights the Bible’s message of hope, healing and salvation, emphasising Jesus as the central figure. This ...
For many of us, the most famous giant from the Bible is Goliath. Goliath, who hailed from the city of Gath, was the Philistine fighter who was slain by the young David who would eventually become King ...
Per ardua ad astra, through adversity Jews reach the stars, and with luck often Venus, although Mars is thought by the ...
The Hebrew Bible, which Christians call the Old Testament, offers instructions about celebrating a Jubilee every 50 years.
Replacement Theology is a growing movement within the Church. While it used to be taught in only certain denominations, it's ...
A small but influential group of evangelicals argues that enforcing the law is as important as mercy, and has come to see Christian charities as the enemy.
The soprano Angel Blue, the star of the new production of Verdi’s ancient-Egypt spectacle, goes to the Temple of Dendur, ...
I am one of the throng of people so deeply impressed and moved by the sermon the Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde preached at the National Cathedral after the inauguration of Donald. J. Trump.
This Sunday’s gospel (Luke 1:1-4; 4:12-21) lays down the New Testament fulfillment of the jubilee year which was first ...
In the Bible's Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant is linked to several miracles, such as protecting the Israelites from poisonous animals during their Exodus out of Egypt, stopping the flow of the ...
Now one version of the Ten Commandments can be found in the fifth chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy (also Exodus 20). Comparing Deut. 5:6-21 in a Catholic Bible with that found in a Protestant ...
The party of Christianity appears to have a problem with Jesus. While delivering a sermon at the National Cathedral, ...