Mayya Gil, a 95-year-old New York City resident who was originally from Ukraine, was killed after she was struck by a truck ...
A newly constructed 17-story apartment tower on Gowanus’ Fourth Avenue, made possible by the neighborhood’s recent rezoning, ...
A weekend-long series of manhole explosions on Willow Street in Brooklyn Heights was finally resolved early Monday morning.
Ever experience a subway delay at DeKalb Avenue near the foot of the Manhattan bridge? Thank Great Depression era-tech.
The early roads in Queens and on Long Island were dirt paths that led from one community to another — or, because water ...
Union Square-based DNA Development has bought 166 Seventh Ave. in Park Slope, according to a deed that appeared in the city ...
A minivan driver hit and killed an 87-year-old pedestrian in Canarsie on Friday, police said, in what appeared to be Brooklyn's first traffic fatality of 2025.
The MTA says additional scanners have been installed north of 60th Street and on the excluded roadways to monitor traffic and collect data. Brooklyn drivers will be charged to make the connection ...
Map maker John Tauranac shares his expert insight on mapping New York City's complex underground transit system!
The version of Michael Mann’s ultra-modern cybercrime thriller that made it to theaters was truncated and overtweaked (by ...