Brilliant Minds aired an eventful Season 1 finale on NBC. Will Trent, High Potential, and The Rookie returned to ABC. Abbott ...
The scrap yard often posts unique vehicles that owners send out to pasture, and a 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee Orvis Edition just ...
He may be most famous for his acting, but his side project has been warmly received by critics - and the band he covers.
What better way to send off the flamboyant showman and respected businessman than with a second-line procession through the complex he created.
Lester Munson, a journalist and attorney, is among the most passionate anti-gambling voices in this increasingly wagering ...
The Athletic's Premier League writers attempt to select one realistic signing for every club between now and the end of the ...
A new Eddie Murphy documentary titled 'Eddie' is set to premiere on Netflix this year, the streamer has announced.
Newcastle United host Fulham on Saturday aiming for back-to-back Premier League wins with Eddie Howe hopefully having a near-full complement of players to pick from.
Miguel Almiron’s six-year stay on Tyneside has come to an end with a move back to Atlanta United having been completed.
Jamie Miley is officially a Hartlepool United player - and we’ve got the inside track on the new permanent signing.
While there are great songs all over movies from the '80s, there are few that had the cultural impact as Public Enemy's ...
As he connected more with players and made them better players and people, John Cook won a lot more than four national titles ...