“At a high level, we feel itch when cells in our skin release signaling molecules that activate peripheral nerve fibers that ...
Residents in Colchester worried about skin lesions and moles can now have them quickly diagnosed by a new AI tool in what has been described as ...
Residents in Colchester worried about skin lesions and moles can now have them quickly diagnosed by a new AI tool in what has ...
Alla Pinzour has lived with melanoma for 15 years. A new therapy offered at University of Chicago Medical Center used her own ...
Dermatologists reveal the silent signs of skin cancer that are often overlooked, such as a pimple that doesn't go away. The ...
Lauren Smyth says she used tanning beds sporadically when she was younger, and that doctors believe they may have contributed ...
Since cancer cases across the world are spiking at worrying levels, there are many pre-cancerous or early-stage signs that if ...
Being told you have cancer is like a dark cloud over your life. It’s tough, no matter the type of cancer. Every day feels ...
Jane Joy and Sandi White were both diagnosed in their early fifties and were told they were too young to have it ...
Adjuvant cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation are given after a primary cancer treatment to help prevent ...
Meanwhile,the Epstein-Barr Virus – the so-called 'kissing bug' that causes glandular fever (triggering a sore throat and ...