The lights of Chanukah are consecrated; we don’t use them, but enjoy them. Every Chanukah, we gaze intently at the candles, ...
The first night of Chanukah was celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy at Brooklyn’s Grand Army Plaza, where the largest menorah in Brooklyn stands tall, with Chassidic rapper Nissim Black.
Jews began their eight-day-long festival of lights, called Hanukkah or Chanukah, on the evening of December 25, with prayers ...
Question: If one forgot to recite Al Hanissim on Chanukah, does he have to repeat the Shemoneh Esrei or Birkat Hamazon?Moshe JakobowitzBrooklyn, NY ...
“It is appropriate and fitting for every person in Klal Yisroel to donate on Chanukah, and specifically on Rosh Chodesh Teves ...
The story of Chanukah begins in the reign of Alexander the Great. Alexander conquered Syria, Egypt and Judea, but allowed the people under his control to continue observing their own religions and ...
"The lighting of the last Chanukah candle in the presence of the Bethlehem Light of Peace is an expression” of dialogue between Jews and Christians, said the chief of the ...
Dozens of friends and neighbors braved the snow to celebrate and light the eighth and final evening of the Jewish Festival of Lights.
Folly Beach Menorah Lighting and Chanukah Celebration is returning in 2024.The menorah lighting begins around 5:15pm at Folly ...
Hanukkah is a festival commemorating the recovery of Jerusalem and the subsequent rededication of the Second Temple at the ...
In the Chanukah story, our people remained inspired and on a spiritual high all that year. The light of the menorah never dimmed, and their enthusiasm never waned. When the sages saw this, they ruled ...