With approximately 17.5 million DINKWADs (Duel Income, No Kids, With A Dog) more and more Americans are insuring their furry ...
Canine behaviorist Will Atherton says there are three breeds that are best avoided if you have children - and they are ...
Think bubbling cauldrons, floating candles, and enough mystical knick-knacks to make Dumbledore jealous. The bar itself looks ...
Researchers have found that when canines look into our eyes, they activate the same hormonal response that encourages human ...
Jessica Brown's dog, Buddy, has "never bitten" and "never growled" around her daughter, but something made her intervene.
Saber teeth — the large canines — are pretty fearsome. These fangs have evolved at least five times in predators that are now extinct, but there's been something of a mystery as to why.