Transformers One, the animated action epic starring MCU veterans Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson, is a streaming hit ...
SOMERSBY, Australia (CNN) - A ginormous and deadly funnel-web spider has been handed into a reptile park in Australia, where staff said it was the largest of its kind they’d ever seen. Fittingly named ...
In the Heart of the Sea didn't make much of a splash in theaters, but the 2015 historical drama is blowing up on Netflix this ...
A massive funnel web spider, believed to be the largest ever discovered, has been named after the Hemsworth brothers. During ...
The Australian Reptile Park's spider keeper says she named the spider Hemsworth because the arachnid towers over other ...
Hemsworth, a colossal funnel-web spider recently donated to the Australian Reptile Park, could make significant contributions ...
That held true for Tom Holland in his third round of playing Spider-Man in Spider-Man ... ready (he's worked with Brad Pitt for Troy and Chris Hemsworth for Thor). Along with bodyweight movements ...
Chris Hemsworth might be one of the world’s highest-paid actors, but he’s not known for playing serious, artistic roles. Instead, he’s renowned for his time as Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ...
Chris Pula, the gregarious movie marketing executive who served stints at New Line, Warner Bros, Fox and Disney and created groundbreaking campaigns for movies from Se7en to The Mask, Dumb and ...
From the iconic "spiders on Mars" and a giant dog-shaped blob to an underground ocean and other newly discovered water deposits, here are our 10 favorite things found on Mars this year.