One local parish has partnered with Midwestern State University for a musical performance on Sunday, March 30, to tell the ...
The crucifixion of Jesus is one of the most illustrated events in human history. For centuries, artists have reimagined it as a form of remembrance and as a means to convey the story of brutality ...
EVIDENCE OF CRUCIFIXION What do we know historically about crucifixion as a method of execution? How is it carried out? It's not just another myth? No, crucifixion was something very, very real.
It is people taking up their cross, it is the suffering that is producing more believers.  As Christians journey towards ...
The fifth season of "The Chosen" premiered at a special event in Dallas, ahead of its nationwide theatrical debut March 28.
When Nicole comes in contact with Father Anton (Corneliu Ulici) more and more inexplicable events occur. The pair begin to believe that the priest lost the battle with a demon.
Prominent religious leader, Prophet Andrew Wutawunashe, has warned against growing calls for protests aimed at removing ...