Save yourself aggravation and excess work by heeding the advice of the professionals and avoid planting these species in your ...
By choosing suitable replacements for the plants that are problems, we can save trouble in the garden and help protect our ...
If these aggressive and invasive plants aren’t contained, they can end up harming the environment, animals, insects, and ...
As Nanaimo council considers the option to ban the sale of invasive plants, garden centres say the expected impact on their ...
French philosopher Henri Bergson is quoted as saying, “The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” ...
A nature walk based around one of nature’s most unique species is on tap Sunday at Metchosin’s Devonian Regional Park. Led by ...
"We tell people to get rid of this all the time." Gardening expert unveils simple trick to wipe out 'hell plant' before it spreads: 'Low effort, high reward' first appeared on The Cool Down.
Gardeners have been sharing their tips for getting rid of ivy after one man asked for advice on how to remove the weed from ...
It was developed to most effectively target invasive plants sold in stores, Leyen said. The list includes species such as the Bradford pear tree, periwinkle, fountain grass, English ivy and more. The ...
Bettina ivy being sold in a retail store. Bettina ivy is the same as English ivy, an invasive plant on the bill’s list of 39 ...
Lawmakers recently sent the governor twin bills that he vetoed last year, which aim to protect the state’s native wildlife by ...