What’s more important, your cat or your Christmas tree? It’s a tough question, those are two awesome things. But sadly, they don’t always get along. Cats love to explore. They love to bat.
January in Russia conjures up images of Muscovites crunching through the snow in bulky coats -- not bunches of delicate snowdrops blooming in grassy areas around still-standing Christmas trees.
Veterinary staff at the Helen Woodward Animal Center in San Diego County named the kitten Evergreen, as a nod to the tree in which she was found. Now it's time for this feline Christmas surprise ...
Keeping cats away from the Christmas tree requires a full-time Tree Defense Squad, honestly. If you'd like to try keeping them away, though, you might want to consider getting them their own ...
Ryan Pearson, a Los Angeles-based entertainment video editor for The Associated Press, lost his home to the California ...
By Carol Hengst The holidays are over, winter has set in. Yesterday it snowed hard. I’d hoped to sit in my Lazy Boy and watch it all day. Most of the snow that has fallen here at Sugarshack ...
For most theme parks, Christmas is a distant memory. However, one park's Christmas celebration only finished at the end of ...
The wild creatures who have adapted to our ways are adept at remaining out of sight. But they are here, and they will always ...
Many fresh vegetables come in a bunch with a quarter-inch rubber band wrapped around them... they are wonderful as ...
I just changed the flowers in my family’s headstone vases for the winter. I noticed in multiple cemeteries that so many vases have just a few sprigs of flowers haphazardly leaning out of the vases.
Slow motion of cat falling down while playing with decorated christmas tree Ginger cat in Santa Claus hat opens and closes eyes Ginger cat in Santa Claus hat opens and closes eyes. High quality FullHD ...