For years I felt envy when visiting the greenhouse at Colton Garden or when seeing beautiful greenhouses marketed online.
The upper paleo-range limit of trees dictates the endemic habitat of alpine trees. Here, the authors combine satellite, dendrochronological, fossil pollen, and paleoclimate data to create a model ...
Planting the seed -- let’s talk microgreens” is the slogan at High Country Microgreens. Sherry and Robert Church are the ...
Psyllids, a.k.a. jumping plant lice, are a family of true bugs (Hemiptera) that feed off plant juice; each kind of psyllid typically lives off a particular kind of plant. In 2019, researchers ...
My first professional exposure to fire risk management with trees and landscapes was back in 1994. It was the second annual Fire Safe Marin Symposium, a full day of presentations on landscape fire ...