In an exclusive interview with Zoom, Khushi Kapoor revealed that her elder sister Janhvi Kapoor came to drop her on the first day of The Archies shoot. Khushi made her acting debut with the film. Now, ...
Khushi Kapoor wore a red Zara dress, featuring a turtle neckline and fitted bodice, to Loveyapa promotions. She also posed ...
During a recent conversation, Abhishek Bachchan called his parents, Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan equivalent to God. He ...
Amy Schumer gets candid about what her son and her spouse think about her being popular. Read the article below to know more.
Fun-loving Khushi Kapoor has a fab sense of style; all you need to do is peek into her gram for proof. The leggy lass, who ...