Grand Theft Hamlet is a 2024 British documentary that reimagines Shakespeare's Hamlet within the virtual realm of Grand Theft Auto Online. Directed and written by Sam Crane and Pinny Grylls ...
In 2021, this maxim took on a whole new level of meaning for London-based actors Sam Crane and Mark Oosterveen, who were determined to put on a production of Hamlet to help alleviate the creative ...
The Zetland Arms sprawls onto the shingle in Kingsdown. Who built it way out here? Why? Thank goodness they did. On calm days, drinkers sit on the picnic benches outside, listening to the sound of ...
London-based Kitewood wants to build on land off Ringwould Road in Kingsdown near Deal. Members of Kingsdown SOS protesting against plans to build 70 homes on land directly behind them.
Co-directed by the U.K.-based married couple Pinny Grylls and Sam Crane, the former being a documentarian and the latter an actor, Grand Theft Hamlet came about because of the pandemic.