The Parque Nacional del Teide covers nearly 75 square miles in central Tenerife. This national park contains the towering Teide volcano, which is currently dormant. Rising 12,198 feet into the sky ...
US-based premium adventure bike kit manufacturer, Klim have announced their latest adventure helmet, the all-new X1 Alpha. The new lid is said to be an all singing, all dancing model with loads of ...
Wulkan Teide na Wyspach Kanaryjskich budzi się po 116 latach. Odnotowano niepokojącą aktywność. Czy ewentualna erupcja wulkanu wypłoszy turystów z Wysp Kanaryjskich i Teneryfy? Kiedy dojdzie do ...
Lindy shares three children with her ex-husband, Australian Olympic swimmer Michael Klim, Stella, 18, Rocco, 16, and Frankie, 13, and one with her second husband, Goldie, seven. She has captivated ...
When Lindy Klim met property developer, Adam Ellis, he seemed almost perfect. The pain of her separation from swimmer, Michael Klim, was fresh, and Adam was showing up for her just the way she needed ...
Największa z Wysp Kanaryjskich to Teneryfa. Od kilku dni media w Europie donoszą jednak nie o jej turystycznych walorach, a o wzmożonej aktywności wulkanu Teide. To z kolei budzi pytania o ...
Teneryfa, największa z Wysp Kanaryjskich, znana ze swoich rajskich plaż i majestatycznego wulkanu Teide, przeżywa obecnie niepokojący wzrost aktywności wulkanicznej. Naukowcy biją na alarm: wzrost ...
Klim, 46, recently relocated back to Australia after spending the last 14 years living in Bali, her late father’s homeland. Her father, Anak Agung Oka Rama, was a member of the Royal Denpasar ...
"I did my first altitude camp in Teide, that was grim, but, in terms of with the TT, we just continued what we were doing," said Tarling, when asked how he'd got back to winning ways. "You know ...
Teneryfa, czyli największa z Wysp Kanaryjskich, od początku lutego doświadcza aktywności wulkanicznej pod Teide (3718 m n.p.m.) — najwyższym szczycie w Hiszpanii i na jakiejkolwiek wyspie ...
Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands, is experiencing a significant increase in volcanic activity beneath its iconic peak, Teide.According to the Scientific Committee for the Evaluation and ...
Lindy Klim and her new boyfriend Paul Mullert were spotted holding hands at Melbourne Airport on Saturday, just days after debuting their romance. The 45-year-old model looked effortlessly chic in ...