Interestingly, Riot has already dipped into the super-hero genre for their cosmetics, but these skins were released on Wild ...
Forsaken, a new Baldur's Gate 3 x World of Warcraft mod, can be downloaded right now to experience a new custom campaign.
An upcoming Baldur's Gate 3 mod is set to add between "six-to-eight" new companions to the game, expanding the selection of ...
Massive Baldur's Gate 3 mod Path to Menzobarranzan is adding "six to eight" new companions including new animal companions.
Larian Studios is hosting a stress test for Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 8 to let players try out all the new content early.
After an awkward false start that saw it rolled out prematurely on PlayStation 5 consoles (and then quickly rolled back), the Baldur's Gate 3 patch 8 stress test is now officially live on all ...
After a hiccup accidentally released it early for PS5 players, Baldur's Gate 3's Patch 8 stress test is now out on all ...
Developer Larian said those who put their name down for the Patch 8 stress test on PC or PS5 should be on the look out for an ...
Developer Larian Studios announced the stress test for Patch 8 for Baldur's Gate 3 is now live.Patch 8 for [...] ...
One of the most anticipated updates for Baldur’s Gate 3, and perhaps its final one, has now accidentally been released to PlayStation 5 players. The patch, adding a bunch of new content and numerous ...
The developers of the Dino Crisis-inspired Code Violet shared why the game will not launch on PC. Turns out it is to avoid players creating inappropriate mods.