The upcoming animated series 'Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man' on Disney+ explores Peter Parker's early days as ...
According to What’s On Netflix, Stranger Things Season 5 will be released in two installments: the first part will air in October 2025, with the final episodes dropping in November.
Brave New World is going to have some familiar faces for those who have seen The Incredible Hulk and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Here's a chronological look at the superhero stories — from Marvel to DC, and everything between — we can look forward to in ...
The MCU is in trouble - and no I am not talking about how Marvel has had to shuffle around their phase 5 releases in 2020.
With just three weeks left until its release, Captain America: Brave New World is generating a lot of buzz and box office ...
On Reddit, fans have settled on Marvel Phase 3 as the MCU's Golden Age. That's Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Strange, ...
A new Phantom Blade Zero gameplay trailer has been released by S-GAME to celebrate the Year of the Snake. It showcases the title’s martial arts-inspired action RPG gameplay.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is the upcoming animated series that follows Peter Parker balancing his life as the web-head and high school.
To mark tickets going on sale, Marvel Studios debuts a new Red Hulk-filled trailer for Captain America: Brave New World.
We have some huge new details on Marvel Television's possible Nova plans, including a "young and sexy" approach to the series ...
Brave New World features new Falcon Joaquin Torres taking flight in battle alongside Sam Wilson. While the preview provides ...