Beverly Hills Cop is a beloved franchise, and new movie "Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F," banks on every nostalgic reference we love about the original two ‘80s films (despite the threequel misfire). One ...
Netflix has a dazzling selection of comedy movies that put that good-time feeling on demand. Whether you're craving ...
From creator Matt Algozzini, New York City's long-running sketch comedy show returns to New Jersey for a Saturday show at Hackensack Performing Arts Center. A group of actors and comedians are drafted ...
This year, "Beverly Hills Cop" is being added to the Library of Congress ... “We’re honored by the responsibility to add 25 diverse new films to the National Film Registry each year as ...
as well as movies from “Down and Out in Beverly Hills” to 40 years of “Beverly Hills Cop” and its sequels. And that’s undoubtedly part of what keeps the tour buses rolling through.
and a six-part drama about the life of Brazilian racing great Ayrton Senna. On the movie side, Eddie Murphy returns this summer in a new "Beverly Hills Cop" sequel.
Jimmy Carter, Shannen Doherty and Donald Sutherland were among the notable names in media, entertainment and politics we lost ...
Lori Loughlin is in a new show, continuing her comeback after prison — joining the ranks of other celebs like Robert Downey ...
Axel Foley returns to Beverly Hills to help Taggart and Rosewood investigate Chief Bogomil's near-fatal shooting and the series of "alphabet crimes" associated with it. Axel Foley, while investigating ...
Marea serves some of its longtime hits, like sea urchin with lardo crostini and handmade fusilli with octopus and bone marrow, in Beverly Hills. But most of my dinner on Tuesday consisted of new ...