The $3 million expansion, funded by taxpayers, will help teach industry best practices, help with workforce development, ...
PRICER150DEVELOPERWishes Ulrd.PUBLISHERKlei PublishingPLATFORMSPC; macOSREVIEWED ONPC via Steam All right, listen up, fellow ...
More government help is needed to fund start-up companies in the computer games industry, the head of a leading gaming firm ...
Poland's Big Cheese Studio's said its game development work has not been jeopardised as a result of a cyberattack on its systems early on Friday.
While people talk a lot about horror games and how much they have changed over the years in graphics, characterization and ...
Most developers see the coming year as transformative, where technology can help reverse the trend of layoffs and cancellations.
The Operator is a detective game that sees you using various investigative software to dig up clues and help solve crimes.