The happy-go-lucky vibe of Venus in Sagittarius will be especially nice for your love life once Scorpio season starts on Oct.
We’re in the corridor — the heightened celestial hallway between lunar and solar eclipses. How can you leverage the power of ...
September’s planetary movements ignite your fiery nature, Aries. With Mars aligning harmoniously with Mercury, your energy and communication are on point. Use this momentum to tackle new projects, but ...
Just because you feel you’ve been open to love, Sagittarius, doesn’t mean that is how your partner has been perceiving your actions. While you often set out to explore a relationship as you ...
Do you follow your heart or listen to your mind? You may wonder which way to go today. You may see a relationship or project as an impossible task, but your heart may feel like it's worthy to ...
From unique to funny, here is a complete list of the best wedding shoe game questions to ask the newlywed couple and make their special day full of fun.
It's rare to change someone's mind with the force of an argument. Even though it's possible (though highly unethical) to bully people into submission, it doesn't mean they're buying into an idea.