“Severance” follows the lives of a group of workers at a company called Lumon Industries who have agreed to undergo a procedure known as “severance.” During this operation, a device — the Severance ...
Unlike other streaming services, Apple TV+ doesn't have a huge backlog or beloved properties to fall back on, like Max with ...
Apple TV+ just debuted Severance season 2 to big critical acclaim and cultural hype, here’s why the show could help Apple find real success.
The series is an exquisite, masterful work of TV, cramming sci-fi creepiness, wry social commentary and black humor inside of a tightly constructed story.
Severance' creator Dan Erickson breaks down Season 2, Episode 1, including Helly's lie, that Gemma tease and the new child boss.
The dystopian series starring Adam Scott, Zach Cherry, Britt Lower and John Turturro returns nearly three years after the ...
As we saw in the season 2 teaser trailer, the latest season kicks off with Mark (Scott) sprinting through Lumon's eerily ...
Created by Dan Erickson and executive produced by Ben Stiller, “Severance” is a ferociously stylized, wonderfully weird piece ...
Each episode of “Severance” drops at midnight PT and 3 a.m. ET on Apple TV+. There are 10 total episodes in this season.
Severance season 2 episode 1 is out now on Apple TV Plus – and I've got some big new theories about what's going on.
Severance' breakout star Tramell Tillman teases a new, improved Mr. Milchick in the second season of the Apple TV+ thriller ...
Season 2 of Apple TV+'s hit series Severance had a lot to live up to, but it hits its mark by focusing on what made the first season great.