Plate tectonics give Earth its mountains, earthquakes, continental drift and maybe even helped give rise to life itself. But ...
A shocking development has just emerged out and has come to light that a brand new continent might end up forming pretty soon ...
Geophysicists find areas that resemble the results of tectonic plate collisions — far from any area of such activity.
Over 25 years ago, researchers discovered that some of these deep Earth reverberations pointed to the existence of two ...
A University of Derby study led by Dr. Phethean proposes Earth has six continents, not seven. Using advanced geological ...
About 250 million years ago, you could pretty easily walk from Australia to North America – with a pit stop in Antarctica.
Volcanoes and earthquakes are both natural phenomena driven by the dynamic processes that shape Earth’s interior and surface.
By studying the behavior of sulfur in magmatic fluids under extreme pressures and temperatures, a team from UNIGE ...
AFRICA is splitting apart at double the speed than scientists first thought. A 35-mile-long crack in Ethiopia’s desert, first ...
People in B.C. regularly have earthquake drills at school and work, trying to prepare for what’s known as “the big one.” The ...
New research suggests Earth may have six continents, not seven, with North America and Europe still connected.
A puzzle about Mars has intrigued scientists for decades. The planet’s two hemispheres are strikingly different in structure.