Archie's TV Funnies is a Saturday morning cartoon animated series produced by Filmation which appeared on CBS from September 11, 1971 to September 1, 1973. The series starred Bob Montana's Archie ...
Archie Comics have also come to the screen, including the 2017 American TV series Riverdale. The Archies is the latest adaptation. But Indian fans appear to be torn over these new offerings.
“I’ll confess something to you,” Cary Grant tells a theatre audience towards the end of his life, during the opening scenes of Archie (ITV1). “Cary Grant? I made him up. I made up the ...
After being a part of a film like Dhaakad and shows like Hunter – Tootega Nahi Todega and Made In Heaven Mihir Ahuja was seen in The Archies. The highly anticipated film was a launch pad for ...