No one knows exactly why this reflex developed in sharks, but researchers suppose it has something to do with shark ...
Yet another attack in the notoriously sharky region – this time on a swimmer at Sandtrax, a popular surf spot, outside of ...
The unnamed man was out for a swim at a surfing spot on Port Beach in North Fremantle, Australia when he was attacked as ...
THE Red Sea submarine tragedy which killed six is the latest in a string of disasters to hit the Egyptian tourist hotspot. A ...
A fisherman's brother has shared how a 1.5-metre tiger shark was reeled in nearby where a swimmer was attacked in Western Australia.
Before he was bitten, the shark ‘bumped the man multiple times’, a Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development spokesman said.
NINE brave thrill-seeking fundraisers for Barnsley Hospital took part in the charity’s first shark dive at the wee... Local ...
A swimmer has been rescued from the water off Port Beach in Perth’s south after being bitten by a shark which circled him as ...
A swimmer has been bitten by a 1.5 metre tiger shark at a beach near Fremantle Port. Alleged Ukrainian cybercriminal held in ...
It's already illegal for fishermen to attract or capture a great white shark, but Bay State officials are proposing new rules ...