In een tijd waarin cyberaanvallen steeds geavanceerder worden, is het beschermen van je digitale infrastructuur belangrijker dan ooit. Pentesten, ook wel penetratietesten genoemd, zijn een proactieve ...
Een Wft-diploma is een belangrijk certificaat voor iedereen die werkt in de financiële sector. Het laat zien dat je beschikt over de nodige kennis en vaardigheden om klanten professioneel en volgens ...
The Level 3 Diploma and Extended Diploma in Performing and Production Arts are designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to access and progress to degree ...
Since November, there has been a lot of discussion about the so-called “diploma divide” seen in the election results, where the majority of voters without a four-year college degree voted for ...
You can land a job with a government agency, a private quantity surveying company or offer your services on a one-to-one basis to clients. A Diploma in Food and Beverage Production is an excellent ...
Verder: woon je in de regio Noord-Nederland; heb je een afgeronde mbo-4 opleiding, richting Elektrotechniek; heb je minimaal 3 jaar ervaring in elektrotechniek; ben je bij voorkeur in het bezit van ...
The IRS issued final regulations (T.D. 10028) Friday that identify certain partnership related-party basis-shifting transactions and substantially similar transactions as transactions of interest ...
The candidate must be able to do research and solve problems on a daily basis, as well as have the motivation to continually improve themselves by keeping up-to date with latest trends and ...
The Foundation Diploma is designed to prepare students for specialist ... UAL accepts transfers from other institutions on a case-by-case basis. Read our Student transfer policy for more information.
You are offering the NUS High School Diploma awarded by NUS High School of Mathematics ... Admissions will be on a provisional basis and students are required to attain the MTL within the period of ...
Be part of an innovative qualification The Graduate Diploma of Learning and Teaching (Primary) embodies a new vision for the future of initial teacher education. You’ll gain from robust, specialised ...