The only gull nesting along most of the Pacific Coast from Washington to Baja, this large species is common at all seasons. An opportunist, it often nests around colonies of other seabirds, where it ...
Choking = “We want this place.” Head Toss = “Regurgitate food for me.” Welcome to western gull (Larus occidentalis) speak, a mix of at least 11 postures and 12 calls, whose meanings vary with the time ...
The western gull-billed tern is the victim of a bad rap. Though often condemned for preying on other sensitive species — namely, the threatened western snowy plover and the endangered California least ...
Ignored for years, passed off as a local race of Western Gull, the Yellow-footed Gull is actually a very distinct species. It nests only in the Gulf of California, that long narrow arm of sea between ...
At the center of the delays: seagulls. It was for the benefit of the western gull, commonly known as the seagull, that the city of Santa Cruz delayed the most critical part of the repair work ...