It’s been a week since a woman died in a New York City subway car, set on fire by a homeless, undocumented man. She has yet ...
A devastating increase in America's homeless population has highlighted persistent racial inequities, with Black Americans ...
Although the 2024 point in time count shows a spike in the unhoused population, strides made among veterans could reveal a ...
"It's just one point in time. It's a picture, a photograph, as opposed to a video" Ruege said.
An annual survey of homeless people conducted nationwide in January found an 18% increase compared to 2023.
Federal officials say the United States saw an 18.1% increase in homelessness, a dramatic rise driven mostly by a lack of ...
The number of people experiencing homelessness in the U.S. topped 770,000, an increase of more than 18 percent over last year ...
Despite a very notable 18% increase in homelessness across the entire United States, the numbers in Los Angeles have seen a ...
(AP) - The United States saw an 18.1% increase in homelessness this year, a dramatic rise driven mostly by a lack of ...