Three young orphaned mountain lion cubs are recovering well after their recent rescue.  The Oakland Zoo (@oaklandzoo) ...
Zoo staff made the difficult choice to euthanize one of the zoo’s two female mountain lions, Sierra, earlier in the week.
The zoo said zookeepers and veterinary staff made the "difficult decision" to put down mountain lion Sierra earlier this week ...
The Phoenix Zoo lost one of its longtime residents this week. Sierra, a mountain lion, was humanely euthanized due to ...
Zoo staff made the difficult choice to euthanize one of the zoo’s two female mountain lions, Sierra, earlier in the week.
The SPCA Monterey County Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center announced it is caring for three “jelly bean-sized" rescued baby hummingbirds.
Jersey Electricity (JE) has temporarily withdrawn a planning application for a solar farm on the island. The company had applied to put 10,000 panels across eight fields in Champs Verts, St Mary.
The park bordering Ocean Beach in San Francisco will open in six weeks, and the Great Highway will close to traffic for good.
Most people will receive their one-time retroactive payment by the end of March, and new monthly payments will begin in April, the agency says.
Latecomers are seated at the discretion of management. A lively stage adaptation of the Academy Award-winning 1994 Disney film, The Lion King is the story of a young lion prince living in the ...