Mobile marketing offers an unparalleled opportunity to reach patients where they are – on their smartphones. Text messages have a 98% open rate, with 90% of messages read within three minutes of ...
Many acupuncturists are trauma-informed practitioners and already well-positioned to support patients who are moving through heavy emotional and mental states (within their scope, of course). As such, ...
It is not uncommon to see patients bring in over-the-counter herbal remedies for common symptoms such as anxiety and fatigue. In some cases, these generic remedies offer clinical improvements, but in ...
Chronic psychogenic pain can be felt anywhere in the body, and may vary in location and intensity; although it most commonly presents as headache, muscle aches, abdominal pain, or back pain. Western ...
The National Patient Safety Foundation defines patient safety as the avoidance, prevention and amelioration of adverse ...
The term great implies that this point is oriented to the realm of spirit. Bones, as we have seen, refer to the deepest and ...
Dr. David Cherian , a board-certified family medicine physician, graduated from the University of Texas Medical School at Houston in 2011 (Doctor of Medicine) and the American College of Acupuncture ...
The eight extraordinary meridians, pathways of energy (qi), run deep within our bodies, and supply the 12 regular meridians with qi and blood, supporting our DNA or genetic heritage. They have no ...
This point reminds us of a good house guest who, rather than simply taking, is a welcome addition and helper, bringing gifts, easing burdens, and working for the benefit of those who live in the home.
I recently had a wonderful teaching opportunity with a patient who experienced tremendous results using the patent medicine Gan Mao Ling for an acute cold / flu. I always make sure all my patients ...
In 1951, Dr.Yoshio Nakatani MD, PhD developed a method of examining the meridian system of the body through electronic measurements that altered the way acupuncture would be practiced throughout Japan ...