Equality between men and women is one of the key foundational principles of the European Union.
In today's rapidly changing labour markets and societies, people need to develop their knowledge, skills and competences continuously.
This EPRS publication seeks to put into context and offer insights on 10 key issues and policy areas that have the potential to feature prominently in public debate and on the political agenda of the ...
This briefing is part of an EPRS series on national parliaments and EU affairs. Each offers an overview of the structure of a given EU Member State's national parliament and how it processes, ...
Building a European defence union is at the top of the EU policy agenda and is essential to shielding EU citizens' security and wellbeing from current and future geopolitical threats. A study of the ...
Poland assumed the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union on 1 January, and will hold the office until 30 June 2025.
In line with its CRM strategy, the EU is seeking to conclude new partnerships in the context of the EU trade and Global Gateway strategies. Economic security has become crucial for the EU. Both the ...
The food supply chain is becoming increasingly global. In a single dish nowadays consumers might find Brazilian beef, Polish potatoes, Italian tomatoes and Kenyan green beans. Although origin ...
How the internet is governed has been much debated since the early days following its creation. Internet governance is a constantly evolving, complex process, involving both states and non-state ...