ICM and FIGO are committed to supporting the increase of inclusive, equitable, accessible and high-quality comprehensive reproductive health services, including contraceptive care. Collaboration ...
Dr Asha Kasliwal, Chair of the Committee, underscores the importance of this work: “On World Contraception Day, let's work towards a world where everyone has the knowledge, access and support to ...
Dr. Habib M. Sadauki's journey in the realm of medicine was truly remarkable, commencing from his formative years at Barewa ...
The Fistula Surgery Training initiative is excited to announce the launch of our latest addition to the Resource Hub: the ...
FIGO regularly issues statements and joint statements.
We are excited to announce the launch of FIGO’s 2024-2025 webinar series. FIGO’s webinar series aims to bring together the global community of women’s health experts, advocates, early career ...
The results from the second part of our membership survey, launched in June 2024, has given us crucial insight into our members’ views and opinions on core membership services, complementing feedback ...
Date: Thursday 24 October 2024, 14:30 UTC / 15:30 UTC+1 (London, UK) / 20:00 UTC+5:30 (India Standard Time) With a spotlight on the latest breakthroughs in fertility treatments, this webinar will ...
La Iniciativa de Formación en Cirugía de la Fístula se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de nuestra última incorporación al Centro de Recursos: la Serie de Talleres Quirúrgicos de Expertos. Esta ...
con un enfoque en los últimos avances en tratamientos de fertilidad, este seminario web cubrirá los avances en tecnología de reproducción asistida (ART), cribado genético, criopreservación y medicina ...
Nos complace anunciar el lanzamiento de la serie de seminarios web 2024-2025 de la FIGO. La serie de seminarios web de la FIGO tiene como objetivo reunir a la comunidad mundial de expertos en salud de ...