The South African National Space Agency (SANSA) and UNOOSA signed a cooperation agreement to establish an UN-SPIDER Regional Support Office in June 2024. SANSA is established to promote the use of ...
The step-by-step procedures below are for ENVI version 4.8. (Click here to access step-by-step instructions for Envi 5. Click here to access step-by-step instructions for the free software R Studio.) ...
The UN-SPIDER Recommended Practice on radar-based flood mapping explains the use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite imagery for flood mapping. The practice shows the use of the European Space ...
The Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) is part of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) and provides operational, extended-range ensemble flood forecasts with a 30-day lead-time for ...
Forest fires can destroy large areas in a relatively short amount of time and are often difficult to control. Satellite-based information is used to manage forest fires and decrease the negative ...
A Regional Support Office (RSO) is a regional or national centre of expertise that is set up within an existing entity by a Member State or group of Member States that have put forward an offer to set ...
When a hazard event (such as a drought, flood, cyclone, earthquake or tsunami) occurs, triggering a loss of life and damage to infrastructure, it highlights the reality that society and its assets are ...
Satellite-derived data relevant for disaster risk reduction and emergency response is available from many sources and providers. The UN-SPIDER database on satellite data and products offers links to ...
Who are the users of space technology in disaster risk management and disaster response? What is the context of their daily work? What are their needs and challenges? The Risks and Disasters section ...
The more frequent and intense droughts that are taking place in the so-called “Dry Corridor” of Central America and the Dominican Republic; as well as the high vulnerability of rural communities, are ...
When using space technologies for disaster risk management and emergency response, it is not only important to have access to space-based data and software, but also to workflows for processing and ...
UN-SPIDER acts as a facilitator of capacity-building in the use of space-based information for disaster management and as a gateway to space information for disaster management support. In lines with ...