Poison Control
There’s a do-it-yourself poison control tool and app. webPOISONCONTROL has helped over one million people figure out what to do after a possible poisoning. Just answer a few questions about what happened and you’ll get a safe and accurate recommendation in less than 3 minutes.
Contact Us - Poison Control
Contact Poison Control right away if you suspect a poisoning. Help is available online with web POISON CONTROL ® or by phone at 1-800-222-1222 . Both options are free, expert, and confidential.
Download Poison Prevention Materials - Poison Control
Get accurate Poison Control answers online or by phone. Both are free and confidential. Get HELP ONLINE. or CALL 1-800-222-1222. Get the App! Download the free webPOISONCONTROL ® app. Subscribe to The Poison Post ® The Poison Post ® is a free, quarterly e-newsletter delivering poison prevention tips right to your inbox! The Poison Post
Poison Control is just one call away. Poison Control helps more than two million poisoned children, teens, and adults every year. There are two ways to get help for a poison emergency: 1. Log on to webPOISONCONTROL.org to get specific guidance or 2. Call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222. We save lives and reduce illness from poisonings. Call ...
Spanish | Poison Control
Cuenta con los expertos de Poison Control en caso de emergenica por envenenamieto. Llámenos al 1-800-222-1222 nada mas sospechar que haya una intoxicación. Una enfermera o un farmaceútico atenderá su llamada. Los servicios de Poison Control son gratuitos y confidencials.
Poison Control Jingles
Learn the Poison Help jingle (available in English and Spanish)! It's a catchy way to teach and remember the national number for Poison Control. We hope you never need us, but if you do, it helps to have the number handy.
Get Help for A Poisoning - Poison Control
Poison Control is available 24 hours a day to provide free, expert and confidential guidance in a poison emergency. When you call, a poison specialist will ask you questions to determine the severity of your case, then provide recommendations.
Generic Drugs versus Brand Name Drugs | Poison Control
Use the webPOISONCONTROL ® pill identifier to identify the pills you received by typing in the letters and numbers that appear on the pill. Call the pharmacy that filled your prescription, or bring your medicine back to the pharmacy, and ask the pharmacist why it looks different.
Types of common and dangerous poisons | Poison Control
To see data on the most common types of adult poisonings reported by Poison Control callers, click here. What are the most dangerous types of poisons for children? These are especially hazardous household items.
About Us - Poison Control
Poison control services optimize poisoning outcomes and decrease health care costs. While fulfilling this mission, we are committed to building a diverse and inclusive community, serving each of you with respect and compassion.