Hudson Tunnel Project
The Hudson Tunnel Project proposes to construct a new tunnel and associated railroad infrastructure to carry passenger rail trains under the Hudson River while the existing tunnel is being rehabilitated, ultimately creating 4 tracks into and out of New York.
About - Hudson Tunnel Project
May 2, 2016 · The purpose of the Project is to preserve the current functionality of Amtrak’s NEC service and NJ TRANSIT’s commuter rail service between New Jersey and Penn Station New York (PSNY) by repairing the existing North River Tunnel; and to strengthen the NEC’s resiliency to support reliable rail service by providing redundant capability under ...
As described in the FEIS/ROD, the purpose of the Hudson Tunnel Project is to preserve the current functionality of the Northeast Corridor’s (NEC) Hudson River passenger rail crossing between New Jersey and New York and strengthen the resilience of the NEC.
FEIS - Hudson Tunnel Project
• Hudson Tunnel Project Re-Evaluation #1 Statement - September 2023 (7.2 MB) • Hudson Tunnel Project FEIS Errata Sheet 1 (232 KB) • Signature Pages and Abstract (1.1 MB) • Final EIS Table of Contents (489 KB) • Executive Summary (1.9 MB) • Foreword (2 MB) • Chapter 1: Purpose and Need (1.7 MB)
Project Goals and Objectives 1: Improve service reliability and upgrade existing tunnel infrastructure in a cost-effective manner. • Reduce infrastructure-related delays due to poor condition of the North River Tunnel following Superstorm Sandy. Corridor • Rehabilitate the North River Tunnel to modern system standards.
Tunnel Project (“Project”), formally executed on May 28, 2021, requires the following as an Air Quality Mitigation: Utilization of Newer Equipment. EPA’s Tier 1 through 4 standards for nonroad diesel engines regulate the
Aug 1, 2017 · Hudson Tunnel Project Compared to Former ARC Project Smaller Impact Area (Secaucus to NY Penn) •No loop tracks •No storage yard •Serves existing Penn Station •Shallower approach to Manhattan under Hudson River Common Elements Between Projects •New surface tracks approaching the tunnel in New Jersey
Project Overview: Need for the Project •Existing Amtrak / NJ TRANSIT rail tunnel beneath Hudson River must be closed for full reconstruction to repair damage from Superstorm Sandy •Need for repair is urgent: storm damage continues to degrade tunnel •Existing train service (450 trains per day) must be maintained
FAQ - hudsontunnelproject.com
Construction of the Hudson Tunnel Project will involve the use of federal funding administered through the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). The Hudson Tunnel Project has also secured permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
The Project would consist of construction of a new rail tunnel under the Hudson River, including railroad infrastructure in New Jersey and New York connecting the new rail tunnel to the existing Northeast Corridor (NEC), and rehabilitation of the existing …