What Are Causes and Treatments for Swelling with Lupus?
What causes swelling with lupus? Different things can cause swelling in lupus. Sometimes swelling is in your joints. That is called lupus arthritis, and it can cause pain.Other times swelling will be in your feet or legs, and that can be caused by lupus nephritis. 2,4. Lupus can trigger inflammation in a part of your kidney called the glomerulus, which …
Are Swollen Fingers a Cause for Concern With Lupus?
Jul 17, 2024 · Swollen fingers can happen with lupus-related joint inflammation or other issues like arthritis or tendinitis. Additionally, some people experience puffy hands when they exercise. “My hands and fingers are always swollen,” one MyLupusTeam member wrote. “Sometimes it is difficult to make a fist.
Lupus and the joints, muscles, and bones - Lupus Foundation of America
Jul 27, 2021 · It can cause pain, tingling, and numbness in the hand and fingers. Lupus and the muscles. Lupus often causes myalgia, or aches and pains in the muscles. Less often, lupus can cause myositis, or inflammation in the muscles — usually in the hips, thighs, shoulders, and upper arms. The most common symptom of myositis is muscle weakness.
Understanding Lupus Hand Symptoms - Connected Rheumatology
Jan 13, 2025 · Lupus hand symptoms explained: joint pain, rashes, and blood vessel issues. Get insights on managing these challenges effectively. ... Swelling around the nails is another symptom to watch for. Raynaud’s Phenomenon & Lupus Vascular Issues. Raynaud’s phenomenon is a vascular issue where the tiny blood vessels in your fingers have an ...
Joint Pain in People with Lupus: Is It Really Arthritis? - HSS
May 31, 2022 · In both cases, small joints are usually affected in a symmetric distribution (for example, both wrists and/or hands affected at the same time). Lupus arthritis, however, is typically not as severe as RA, as it causes less swelling, shorter periods of morning stiffness, and only rarely causes bone erosions (holes in the bones around the joint).
What Is It Like to Live With Hand Arthritis and Lupus?
<p>I have been dealing with Lupus for ten years and this is the first article that I have read dealing with hand pain. My hands are painful and swollen. My rheumatoligist doesn't refer to it as Lupus arthritis but diagnosed it as pseudo gout. The only thing that helps a lot is prednisone but that is unrealistic to take long term.
Top 5 Early Warning Signs of Lupus You Shouldn’t Ignore
Joint Pain and Swelling Experiencing unexplained joint pain, stiffness, or swelling, especially in your hands, wrists, or knees? Lupus might be the cause. But here’s the good news: unlike other forms of arthritis, lupus doesn’t usually cause permanent damage to the joints early on, though it can be painful and uncomfortable.
Joint Involvement in Lupus Patients | HSS Rheumatology
Jan 6, 2023 · More specific laboratory tests for lupus diagnosis include anti-double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and anti-Smith (anti-Sm) antibodies. 9. How is joint pain or swelling treated in lupus patients? Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, are the first line agents in the treatment of lupus-related joint involvement.
Managing Arthritis in Lupus | SLE Workshop Patient Education
Both types of arthritis can cause swelling in the hands (see Figure 1), but rheumatoid arthritis tends to cause joint erosion and narrowing, while lupus does not. Both can cause an angulation where the fingers meet the hand, with the fingers angled toward the side of the little finger.
How Does Lupus Affect the Joints?
This is called mirroring. Several joints may develop lupus arthritis. A related symptom of lupus, muscle and tendon pain, may also cause joint pain. 1-3. Lupus arthritis tends to be less disabling and damaging than rheumatoid arthritis. Less than 10 percent of people with lupus arthritis will develop serious deformities of the hands and feet. 1