Lucario X Mewtwo REREMIX: My highschool love Chapter 1, a …
Luka encounters Mewtwo, and immediately falls in love with him. But what Luka doesn't know is that Mewtwo got feelings for him too, even if he hides it. Lucario X Mewtwo romance and …
Mewtwoxlucario Stories - Wattpad
Read the most popular mewtwoxlucario stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform.
Primial Instinct Chapter 07: Lucario's Fight, a pokémon fanfic
Mewtwo tells us the story of how he found and nearly lost love through his eyes. His journey of discovery is one filled with dilemmas, and even the most powerful Pokemon is helpless to stop …
Lucario/Mewtwo (Pokemon) - Archive of Our Own
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Mewtwo x Lucario: Mewcariotwo - Making love - Wattpad
Mewtwo and Lucario are my two favorite Pokémons. I like them whether they're a couple or just buddies. So here's the story: Mewtwo is just alone. Well...not too alone. He has a friend …
Mewtwo x Lucario: Mewcariotwo - Jacob_the_Hedgehog - Wattpad
May 31, 2017 · Mewtwo and Lucario are my two favorite Pokémons. I like them whether they're a couple or just buddies. So here's the story: Mewtwo is just alone. Well...not too alone. He has …
Explore the Best Mewtwoxlucario Art | DeviantArt
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High School Love: A Mewtwo x Lucario Fanfic - Serebii.net Forums
Jan 15, 2014 · Lucario was a timid Pokémon in Pokémon High School. He had moved from Cerulean City to Striaton City when his father got a job near Striaton City. Ever since he …
mewtwo x lucario - WebNovel
Lucario is a very loyal and protective Pokémon, while Mewtwo is extremely powerful and intelligent. In fanfictions, this can lead to a dynamic where Lucario is devoted to Mewtwo, and …
Mewtwo and Lucario BROS!! by XSol-StudiosX on DeviantArt
Jan 11, 2015 · Mewtwo and Lucario, two of my favorite Pokémon on Smash Ultimate!